work out in detail meaning in Chinese
- The machine on which i write these words embodies hundreds of insights into the workings of the material world , insights that are confirmed by every burst of letters on the screen , and i stare at that screen through lenses that obey the laws of optics first worked out in detail by isaac newton
而我,正在一台机器上记录下这些文字,这台机器包涵着人类思想的精髓- - -对物质世界运作方式的真知灼见- - -每一次敲打键盘,这些真知便化为字母跳入屏幕;当我注视着屏幕,架在鼻梁上的眼镜则是根据光学原理配制而成的,而对这一理论进行详细论证的开山始祖则是艾萨克?牛顿。